Friday, August 7, 2009

Abs Workout Tips

Sculpt hot abs for beach season with 2 killer workout tips and 1 simple eating tip that will help you get the best results quickly. The latest and greatest ab exercises, postural exercises, and eating solution that works.

Incorporate Multi-directional Ab Exercises David Grisaffi author of Firm and Flatten Your Abs explains that your abs are one of the most dynamic areas of the body and if you want hot abs then you need to move in a very dynamic way that covers every plane of movement. Crunches, knee raises, leg raises and planks only address flexion and stabilization while multi-directional ab exercises address all ab movement including Flexion, Extension, Stabilization, Rotation, Side flexion, Prone, Supine, Seated, Standing, Quadruped, Stable, Unstable. Get started with the hot abs exercises workout and learn some of the most effective multi-directional ab exercises for hot abs.

Work On Postural Muscles: This is by far one of the most overlooked solutions to great abs but it's a super simple one that can really help you get results faster. First you need to take pictures of yourself with a digital camera (front, back, and side views) now print the pics and look at your posture and circle your weak spots. If you have a desk job, drive a lot, wear heels regularly, and/or do a ton of fat burning cardio then chances are pretty high that your shoulders are rounded forward, your lumbar curve is non-existent, and your hips are uneven. All this works to weaken your abs and make them look bigger than they are. If you take a few minutes during each workout to correct these imbalances your body will align in a way that allows your ab muscles to become stronger, smoother and flatter. Watch the video below for a great posture exercise that can help you sculpt hot abs.

Eat Foods that Boost Fat Burning Hormones: A lot of people start slashing calories and ban entire food groups when trying to get hot abs but the key according to David is to eat foods and herbs that boost fat burning hormones and in turn help your body burn off the stubborn fat. Your hot abs diet should include cruciferous vegetables, passion flower, citrus fruits, chamomile flower, omega-3 oils, wild catch salmon, organic dairy, raw nuts and seeds, avocados, rice germ oil, wheat germ oil, green veggies, berries, and apples" and these are only a handful of foods from his 3 step eating plan for Firm Flat Abs.

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